Drunk Sailor: I tank, Therefore I Sink

Ukrainians revolted against their enslavement to Putin. Yet Putin’s partisans howl that the West is full of perverse homosexual sinners memorizing Nazi writings. There are only so many insults the alpha male can take (see Daily Telegraph for astounding Putin).

The furious alpha chimp gave a conference about Ukraine (3/3/14). Just escaped from the zoo, he found words. Putin sat in an armchair, his legs spread wide, firmly planted, confidently exposing his balls, arms flapping, hands grabbing his chair, as if that, too, was going to be yanked away, alternately flaring his elbows out like a crab, slouching, sometimes squirming uncomfortably, as if something had crawled up his crotch. He flaunted flashes of brutality, sardonic wit, crazed anger and palpable disdain for Americans and Europeans. Those who have seen 1930s movies, starring Adolf, could only have a feeling of déjà vu.

Putin in 2014, is deeply enraged for the same exact reason as Hitler in 1938: dictatorial kleptocracy is not working, the smart ones are laughing. When a dictator is cornered like that, his solution is to augment the brutality A bad thing leads to a worse one. Until the criminal is stopped by force (that could be natural death, as for Stalin).

Putin asserts that his invasion of Crimea was not an invasion, it was legal. And then that it did not happen (spot the contradiction). Yet. But it will, if. Those armed men aren’t Russian soldiers (contrary to facts). Putin added that the 1994 military agreement with Ukraine was no longer in effect due to the change of power in Kiev (another unworldly assertion).

1)     Putin: Are those Russian soldiers occupying Crimea? No. There are lots of Russian uniforms in the former USSR, one can buy them in stores. These are local militia.

True answer: Putin lies 100%. There were at least 40,000 Russian soldiers in Crimea on March 3, 2014. Soldiers blocking Ukraine’s military bases did not wear any insignia. However, their trucks, and armor are matriculated in Russia (“Rus” can be clearly seen, incredibly). They are equipped with the very latest Kalashnikov (model AK 74), and latest generation Russian rocket launchers (“manpads”). Soldiers were interviewed and some revealed that they were Special Forces of the Russian Army and Russian Marines (801th brigade of Russian Marines).

2)     Putin: The legitimate president of Ukraine is in Russia. There was an “unconstitutional coup, an armed seizure of power in Kiev”.

Truth: Another Putin 100% lie. Yanukovitch the ex-Ukrainian president, has been CONSTITUTIONALLY deposed. A coup occurs when the Constitution of a country has been violated. This is NOT the case in the Ukrainian Republic. The Ukrainian Constitution provides the Ukrainian Parliament with the power to depose the President, just as in the USA (such a procedure is called impeachment; both Nixon and Clinton were threatened with it; Nixon had to resign to avoid its final stage, the first deposition of a president of the USA).

The Parliament (elected in 2010) also has the Constitutional power to nominate an interim president and government, until new elections (fixed to May 25). The Ukrainian Parliament observed that the ex-president, having fled the country, was not capable of exerting his functions, and thus deposed him. It also nominated another president and government. The votes were at an overwhelming majority. Many members of the ex-president’s party voted to depose him: 82% of the Ukrainian Parliament voted for the new Ukrainian government.

Thus those who are calling the government in Ukraine “Neo-Nazi” and “fascist” are insulting a 100% democratic government. It’s funny how many people swallow Putin’s outrageous lies, hook, line and sink.

The Russian soldiers who invaded Ukrainian territory have no right whatsoever to be there (the 1994 accord forbids Russian troops in Sevastopol to deploy outside of their base there). Putin claims that Russians were attacked, that’s another lie: there are international journalists all over Ukraine, no such incidents were observed.

“We are open for any observers to come to any part of Ukraine and to be absolutely sure that Ukraine now outside of the Crimea is absolutely safe,” Petro Poroshenko, a Ukrainian MP and former Foreign Minister told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

“We have lots of the different nationalities including Jews in our government. And I think that [Putin] is simply not [an] understandable position.”

What’s so bad about goose stepping behind Putin? Putin defends the interests of what is, by far, the world’s largest country, built thanks to generous amounts of the Dark Side (which have become essential to Russian culture).

Russia built the largest empire ever: up to 22 million square kilometers (the British empire at any given moment, was actually smaller; Britain for example controlled most of India for less than 2 centuries; whereas Russia beat China/Manchuria in the Far East about three centuries ago).

Building that largest empire was possible thanks to an extremely exploitative, conquering, relentless, superbly nationalistic mentality. Reciprocally, the more the empire succeeded, the more it helped build up some more the mentality that launched it (organized around a secret, all mighty police, one of the incarnation of Putin led).

Result? A mentality obsessed by gaining territory, ready to collaborate with a fascist, imperialistic government, justifying its Dark Side with an emotional nationalistic-religious fervor that pervades Russia.

This exploitative mentality is not very different from the one that established the USA. However, the scale is different: the territory controlled by the Russians was more than twice that of the Americans, and the Russian population much smaller. Moreover, the Russians confronted very tough adversaries. such as the Tatars (South Ukraine, Crimea).

The Michel Stroggoff mentality that built the Czar’s realm, and pushed European civilization all the way to the Pacific, chewing up all Natives on the way, however admirable, is not compatible as a first approach to the sustainable civilization we need today.

In particular, the Russian Will to impose itself as the successor of Rome in the Oriental Mediterranean is on a collision course with reality. However, when Putin saw Obama call off the sanction strike against Assad he deduced that the Kremlin’s boot could kick civilization around. All the more as the French pilots who were already in their cockpits in their fully armed planes, were called back as if they were just attack dog toys for the child in the White House.

At any point the Russian dictator’s lies could degenerate in a hot war. It would not be like Hungary in 1956. Then only 40,000 people were killed by the Russian invasion. At the time, Eisenhower and the Dulles agreed with Khrushchev to beat back France, Britain and Israel (times change).

Nowadays, Russia is much weaker, and much more on the wrong side of history. Putin, like Roman emperor Justinian, has been trying to reconstitute the empire. Putin has not understood a thing about why Justinian failed (does he even know about him?) He does not care. But the situation is similar.

The Roman empire failed, basically because it had become an ever more dysfunctional plutocracy that took refuge in decerebration (by forcefully instituting a rabid plutocracy after Jovian became emperor in 363 CE). Only a few individuals at the head of the imperial machine took all the decisions, and that guaranteed the stupidity of the state.

Justinian could have tried to re-establish the Republic. That would have been smart. Instead he distracted his rebelling Populus with decades of war and oppression. More on Justinian another time.

Putin is trying to build an union of oppression to oppose the European Union. Putin’s empire is an attempt to reconstitute the USSR. Putin believes that the disappearance of the USSR was “the greatest tragedy of the Twentieth Century”.

The USSR was built around the exploitative, dictatorial mentality (read Lenin to verify this). The European Union, instead, is built around the concept of democracy (OK, a work in progress: the EC head is going to be elected by the European Parliament; ideally s/he ought to be elected by We The People directly).

Putin’s project will lead to war and degeneracy. Instead he should surrender to the spirit of the European Union, while he is still ahead, sort of.

And for the rest of us. Some may be tired of war, but war is not tired of them. To put one’s head in the sand does not even work for ostriches.

Independence means France has been CONTINUOUSLY at war. Since 400 CE. Not ONE year when French armed forces were not in action, somewhere.

Some of the Anglo-American persuasion may object. However they forget that the European settlers in America had easy war against Paleolithic, or, at best, Neolithic, natives. They also forget that Britain (conquered in 1066 by France and in 1688 by the Netherlands) and North America were islands. Islands are hard to conquer. (Hitler could have walked over, had there been a land bridge between Cotentin and England: the British army had .)

Until now.

Now those islands are only a few minutes away, by ballistic missile. Hence Britain and the USA are in exactly the geostrategic situation that France has lived in since Caesar’s conquest. Time to become French in mentality, ladies and gentlemen of Anglo-Saxonia! Welcome to the forever war.

Putin has to be stopped, by force. For our good, Russia’s good, and Putin’s, and his cronies’, own good.

Patrice Ayme

Note 1: Washington threatens to kick Russia out of the G8, but Berlin opposes that. Germany obtains almost 40% of its gas and oil from Russia.

Britain’s plot to ensure that any European Union action against Russia over Ukraine would exempt the City of London were embarrassingly exposed when a secret government document was photographed in Downing Street. The document said Britain should “not support, for now, trade sanctions . or close London’s financial centre to Russians”.

Long live plutocracy!

Note2: A young celebrity Russian TV personality on the air protested against Putin’s aggression in Russia, She said she wanted to make the point she was not going to be accomplice to this crime. This is exactly what Czar Putin is afraid of: that the revolt in Ukraine against him would extent to Russia itself, as I wish it will.

Note 3: First face to face meeting in Paris with all the important foreign ministers (USA, Russia, France, UK, Germany, etc.), March 5.

Note 4: Jules Verne’s Michel Strogoff accurately depicts Siberia. But for the fact that, in the 19th century, no “Tartar” Khan could resist the Russian (Chechen, yes; in medieval Russia, yes). Yet, that sort of paranoiac anachronism pretty much still afflicts Putin’s partisans, to this day.


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