The possibility of a nuclear war between Pakistan and India grows every day. If the Pakistanis do not bring under control the terrorist groups in the country and resolve the conflicts with India, it is not a matter of...
What if there was a financial system that would eliminate the need for the federal government to go into debt, that would eliminate the need for the Federal Reserve, that would end the practice of fractional reserve banking and...
When it comes to pilotless drones armed with air-to-ground missiles, the United States acknowledges that its counter-terrorism strategy includes using terrorist techniques as part of the war on terror.Some of theseattacks on civilians are widely understood to be war...
What the Fukashima? and dozens of other anti-nuclear messages graced the bridges of the Interstate Highway from Northampton, Massachusetts, to Burlington, Vermont, reminding Columbus Day weekend leaf peepers that were passing close to the evacuation zone of theVermont Yankeenuclear...
A devastating economic depression is rapidly spreading across the largest economy in the world. Unemployment is skyrocketing, money is being pulled out of the banks at an astounding rate, bad debts are everywhere and economic activity is slowing down...
The first concern of the Emir of Qatar is the prosperity and security of the tiny kingdom. To achieve that, he knows no limits. Stuck between Iran and Saudi Arabia is Qatar with the third largest natural gas deposit in...
As Japan and France move away from nuclear energy, is it the endgame for nuclear proponents? As the world slouches into the 21st century, one of the global economic realities is that more and more developing nations, much less the...
As demonstrators from the Coalition Against Nukesprepare to descend on Washington DC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the world’s third-largest economy has taken a landmark step toward Solartopia. A pro-nuclear Japanese government has announced itwill phase out all commercial reactors...
People often ask me why the West doesn’t attempt a Libya-style intervention in Syria. After all, things are going so well in Libya. Oil production is up. But oil production is merely a mirage, as is security in Libya,...
Exclusive: America ˜was warned of embassy attack but did nothing' ” reads the sensational and misleading sub-headline on astoryinThe Independentin London, which goes on to provide no corroboration for this claim beyond an anonymous source.Like a number of partisan...
The mainstream media in the United States is almost totally ignoring one of the most important trends in global economics. This trend is going to cause the value of the U.S. dollar to fall dramatically and it is...
Gazprom has Europe’s natural gas market in a stranglehold and Europe is attempting to fight back, first with a raid last year on the Russian giant’s offices and then with a probe launched earlier this week against its allegedly...
Summer vacation is over and things are about to get very interesting in Europe. Most Americans don't realize this, but much of Europe shuts down for the entire month of August. I wish we had something similar in the...
The essence of the widely unreported story is simple enough: when Mitt Romney was having difficulty raising money to start Bain Capital in 1984, he ended up raising a major share of his company's initial $37 million investment from...
For decades our politicians have promised us that the "free trade" agenda would bring us greater prosperity than ever before. They insisted that merging our economy into the emerging one world economy would cause millions upon millions of new...
Iran has been pushed into a corner and is fighting for its life. The safest weapon in its arsenal is an economic strategy; and it is the one point where the United States is vulnerable. There is no doubt about it. Section...