The United Nations 300 top climate scientists from all over the world, came up with an alarming climate warming report: the warming is fully on, and its weird effects are showing all over, with changes in winds, the strongest...
Descartes famously pontificated that animals were machines. Actually, Descartes was just parroting famous stoic philosophers from way back (Chrysippus, Diogenes, etc.). Not to worry. According to his own logic, Descartes, being a parrot, was a machine. (Descartes may have...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a rule on January 9, 2014 requiring oil and gas companies using hydraulic fracturing off the coast of California to disclose the chemicals they discharge into the ocean. Oil and gas companies have been fracking...
Colorado University Boulder got more than one Nobel Prize in physics, and specializes in climate (because of NCAR). A new study shows unprecedented warmth in the Arctic. Here is part of CU Boulder press release, October 23, 2013: “The heat is...
Pachauri's 2010 work of fiction and the credibility of the IPCC's 2013-2014 climate report are now inextricably linked.
The unadorned truth was door number one. Cringe-worthy exaggeration was door number two. The IPCC made the wrong call.
Scientific truth isn't negotiated in the dead of night behind closed doors.
A fictional UN climate body exists in the minds of the gullible. And then there’s the real IPCC.
Journalists are supposed to be skeptical of everything and everyone.
Nine new videos provide fresh insight into the climate debate. These reasonable voices, representing diverse perspectives, deserve to be heard.
The 2010 Kalamazoo spill and the 2013 Exxon leak in Arkansas are the most glaring incidents, but these are just the big leaks that are found right away and reported. Most leaks are found eventually-but there is money to be saved and...
The (fully-searchable) electronic version of my book, The Delinquent Teenager, will soon cost $7.99 rather than $4.99. This is the only book-length evaluation of the IPCC by an independent journalist. The IPCC will release Part 1 of its new climate assessment in late September.
The head of the IPCC has written a novel in which the central character is infatuated with pseudoscience and in which UFO enthusiast Shirley MacLaine is presented as credible. The final installment of the Nobel Laureate Summer Reading series.
Australia’s massive mineral exports allowed it to weather the global recession, which began in 2008, quite nicely. The U.S. government’s Energy Information Administration noted in its country’s analysis for Australia, “Australia, rich in hydrocarbons and uranium, was the world’s second largest coal...
Oil and gas is getting bigger, deeper, faster and more efficient, with new technology chipping away at “peak oil” concerns. While hydraulic fracturing has been the most visible revolutionary advancement, other high-tech developments are keeping the ball rolling-from the...
So much for the lessons of Fukushima. Never mind oil spills, the Russian Federation is preparing an energy initiative that, if it has problems, will inject nuclear material into the maritime environment. Speaking to reporters at the 6th International Naval...