From Shawn, a reader who works in a hospital:

“I guess this commercial is supposed to be funny somehow–these men are in the Emergency Room with horrible injuries because they bought their wives the wrong gift for Christmas.”

The UK commercial is from 2005. The company’s press release describing it–”LX Direct knows what women want”–is below.

To watch, view below

Press Release: LX Direct knows what women want
Release Date: 20 December 2005
Home shopping retailer launches innovative Christmas viral campaign

Home shopping retailer LX Direct, launched a Christmas e-mail campaign with a difference this week, surveying 5,000 of their customers to uncover ‘What Women Won’t Want For Christmas’ this year. Designed to be a guide for the hapless blokes of Britain – the campaign was the gift guide equivalent of ‘What Not To Wear’.

The viral email campaign centered on a short film featuring a group of sorry looking men in a hospital casualty department at Christmas who had all evidently bought inappropriate gifts for their partners and were now nursing slapstick minor injuries. (more.)

Fathers & Families: Advocacy for the Child-Father Bond
Fathers & Families is a non-profit organization advocating for the right of every child to have two parents. Fathers are an essential part of a child’s life–divorce or separation should not change this.


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