The “greens” must be thrilled with the new Obama/Pelosi/Reid (OPR) troika in charge of the federal government. Three times already, the troika has blocked the development of domestic oil resources. During his first week in office, President Obama rescinded...
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life. Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or...
In the days immediately following 9-11, the primary concern among American liberals was not how to prevent subsequent attacks, but how to avoid becoming the objects of any recriminations. With the corruption and malfeasance of the Clinton years still...
Republican stalwarts are fond of recalling the 1992 Democrat National Convention, and the manner in which Bob Casey Sr., the Governor of Pennsylvania, was prevented from giving a speech on account of his strident pro-life views. Here was the...
In my recent article “Checkmate,” I made the case that President Obama’s grand strategy has outfoxed the opposition, dooming us all to a massive increase in the scope and power of Uncle Sam. Is the situation hopeless? Never! If...
Is he pro-life or pro-choice? That was the giant unknown hanging in the balance one day in 1990 as President George H. W. Bush nominated a mystery man named David Souter for a Supreme Court seat. Both sides of...
1. The Roots of Liberal Condescension. John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin to be his running mate set off a fiercely contemptuous reaction. The chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party said Palin's sole qualification for high office was that...
INTERVIEW with the Great Christina Hoff Sommers concerning Title IX. The interviewer is Betsy Hart who is an ally of ours, but most of her stuff is a bit too–I don't know–for me to post but we'll headline the...
It's Time for a Tea Party (2009-04-13) by David John Marotta Some people try to defend the practice of earmarks with three arguments. First that earmarks only account for 1.9% of the budget. Second that earmarks stimulate the economy. And...
I’m writing this column because I’m appalled how liberals remain impervious to the fact that our current strategy to controlling AIDS has proven to be a disastrous failure. Last month the District of Columbia health department announced that 3% of...
It daily becomes more and more difficult for any but the most stalwart leftists to ignore or deny the grim visage of the “change” being inflicted on America by the liberal/Democrats. Like a script from a revolutionary handbook, the...
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it “ George Santayana Those who overlook the lessons of history are likely to repeat the mistakes of the past. President Barack Obama seems to be treading the same...
The year 2008 was politically the most exciting and unusual in a generation. It hosted a long, divisive and drama filled campaign season that featured the rapid rise and fall of Rudy Guiliani, Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee, the...
By Warner Todd Huston The national news has found its newest way to slam Governor Sarah Palin and that is to report heavily on any untoward actions made by her relatives by marriage - or even soon to be marriage,...
Throughout the election process, image is everything. Now, post-election, the Electorate looks for signals of capacities beyond the ability to get elected. We peer in, looking for tells of what an Obama Presidency will mean. Has there been a...
This past year has been a saddening one for many conservatives, who lost William F. Buckley, Jr. in February and then United States Senator Jesse Helms earlier this month, on Independence Day. The former was, in many respects, the...