A Canadian charity for which German school kids are raising money is the furthest thing from transparent.
Humour is sometimes the best medicine.
Don't believe everything you read - especially about the supposed link between global warming and natural disasters.
Much of what we hear about climate change has been carefully crafted by PR firms and ad agencies.
Junkets abroad, handsomely-paid positions at home - no wonder government employees love the environment.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society represents a return to humanity's violent past.
It takes chutzpah to accuse other people of something you yourself are peddling.
If "constant growth" is bad, why does the David Suzuki Foundation keep getting bigger and bigger?
Is British Columbia's carbon offset scheme really just a green slush fund - one in which the well-connected receive money that should have been spent on sick people?
A Canadian province brags about becoming North America's first carbon neutral government in 2010. But its own Auditor General says this "is not accurate."
Greens who believe that the rules don't apply to them are now part of government itself.
It's springtime. Here's hoping that our eyes are opening along with the blossoms.
People who believe there's an urgent problem behave accordingly. Climatologist Michael Mann plays games.
Half of children perish in pre-industrial societies. Take your pick: a bucolic, green fantasy world - or one that's safe for kids.
Climate crusaders urge us to Think of the children! But that can be used by anyone to advance any argument under the sun.
Earth Hour: 60 minutes of self delusion brought to you by IKEA.