Canadian greens say lake-destroying research is all about science - but how do we know for sure?
An academic paper funded by two National Science Foundation grants bears no relation to the intended purpose of that money.
The world's largest environmental organization celebrates 4-year-olds as a fundraising mechanism.
According to Canada's most prominent environmentalist, the mining of gold, silver, copper and other minerals poses an unacceptable risk to the planet's atmosphere.
Mining the iron ore needed to build wind farms entails ripping mountains and valleys "to shreds."
A resolution before the US Congress implies that global warming will increase prostitution. Cole Porter disagrees.
Confronted with what some believe is a house on fire, Canadian Members of Parliament retire to the shadows and whisper to each other in secret.
Nobel-winning work about self-delusion and flawed judgment applies to all of us - even climatologists.
Scientists who step into the political arena deserve to be challenged. This isn't an attack on science - it's an exploration of competing political perspectives.
According to 1960s radicals, the environmental movement has been funded and orchestrated by fossil fuel interests.
The language being used in 1970, the year Earth Day was born, hasn't changed much: Crisis. Catastrophe. Endangered. Extinction.
Why weren't the profound limitations of the ZENN car the butt of a comedian's jokes?
In Pakistan, the WWF is enlisting university students to develop an "environmental conscience" among the poorest of the poor.
What happens when you slice half a pie into 9,000 pieces? You get a few crumbs of pastry.
Canadian economist Mark Jaccard is falsely described as a Nobel laureate in the headline of a press release - and then on the front page of a newspaper.
Opposition to oil pipelines has led to sharp increases in train transport. Not only is that method less safe, it costs significantly more.