UPDATE: 4/10/09 at 11:30 pm.

I got an email from a reader regarding Prostate Cancer and there’s a website out there called fundresearchnow.org at which you might want to take a look. As you may know there are few “Y Me” races to benefit it. Here’s how the site describes itself.

FundResearchNow.org is a website produced by America’s prostate cancer organizations to give you the tools to email, write, call or meet with members of Congress to impress upon them the importance of Department of Defense funding for prostate cancer research.

More about this initiative

The Department of Defense (DOD) saves lives.

Take the woman who has won her life back from breast cancer to see her children grow up and the child who has beaten leukemia to ride a bike, grow up and go to college. Chances are they owe their lives to the groundbreaking discoveries accomplished by the Department of Defense.

Playing a key role in the war on cancer, Medical Research Programs at the DOD engage in high-risk high reward research that is paying off, leading to breakthroughs including the breast cancer drug Herceptin and the leukemia drug Gleevac.

However, promising prostate cancer treatments using new therapeutics are in the works but the DOD prostate cancer research program currently lacks the funding it needs. Bringing these treatments to the nearly 200,000 fathers and brothers who will be diagnosed with the disease this year needs to be a priority. Sadly, more than 28,000 American men died in 2008 waiting for new and effective treatments.

While advances in research have helped reduce the annual prostate cancer death rate by 40 percent during the last decade, prostate cancer remains the leading cause of cancer among men: a non-smoking man is more likely to develop prostate cancer than he is to develop colon, bladder, melanoma, lymphoma and kidney cancer combined.

Inflation and reduced funding due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as political budgetary issues during the past few years have eroded the significant research base established by the only federal program committed 100 percent to prostate cancer research. The Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) at the Department of Defense is crucial for winning the battle against this leading form of cancer.

In an economy where poor business decisions have cost taxpayers billions of dollars, the program at the Department of Defense is giving hope to the millions of men and their families faced with prostate cancer. The PCRP is on the cutting-edge of research. Congress needs to reward efficiency, innovation and accountability with the full funding needed by this highly effective program.

Read the FAQ for additional information

There are a number of ways that you can support this initiative:

1. Send an email or a letter to your Senators and federal representative. We give you sample language that you can add a personal message to or that you can send as is. (If you are a researcher, use this form with special language.)

2. Review helpful tips for calling or meeting with members of Congress.

3. Send a letter to the editor of your local paper.

4. You can spread the word by sending emails to friends, updating your profile on social networks and more.

5. Post a comment on the site to show the world that this merits discussion.

I want to lead off with one I just found. I’ve never seen it before but it looks like a project by a couple of high school kids a few years back who, to my shock, went to my high school.a den of yuppie iniquity. No matter, I’m proud of these kids. Well done my brothers.

This next clip is about a year-and-a-half old and has been featured on NewsCream before either by Mike in Sex and Metro or Glenn on his blog. It’s an English commercial that trivializes and legitimizes men who are battered by their wives.in the name of materialism. Worth seeing again.

Hey, by the way, were you aware that there’s a channel online called “Stop the Violence: Abused Men’s Rights to Awareness and Equality TV.” I think I’ll cross post some videos there. A search for the first video on google led me to stumble across it.

Next, an Australian Send up of the “Say No” Campaign Against Violence, but in this instance the roles of man and woman have been reversed.

Mala Gets All Dolled Up for a Defense of Men:

Crazed Woman Breaks her Husband’s Leg with Automobile–I love it when at the end they say, “she was treated for cuts and bruises,” lol. Who cares what that felon was treated for?

Thug’s latest on why some of these women should be grateful that guys want something from them even if it’s not a serious relationship.


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