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France Arrests Ex Gitmo Prisoners – There Are “Ex” Gitmo Prisoners?

Six people who were released from George W. Bush’s gulag in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have been arrested in France.

This from Reuters:

The six, who have all spent lengthy periods in detention in Cuba and in France, face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

The prosecution alleges the men joined a terrorism network based in Britain and the Afghan-Pakistan border, having passed through Britain en route to al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.

But the accused said they only went there out of curiosity.

Yes, the same curiosity that leads all of us, like moth to bug zapper light, toward al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. I love how we call them “camps,” too. It makes it sound as if terrorists are learninghow maple syrup is made, making crafts, and having singalongswhile walking to thetoboggan run.

“Billy’s spending the summer at ‘al Qaeda camp’, and he’s really enjoying himself. Last week he learned tomake a paper mache bomb belt and today they’re making suncatchers out ofdepleted sarin gas shells.”

Anyway, the arrests of these six menare somewhat shocking on two levels:

1) Who knew that anybody ever got released from Gitmo? If you pay attention to the mainstream media and certain politicians, people who go there do not come out, as they’re all held indefinitely and without charges.

2) France is aggressively fighting terrorism. Maybe the Muslim riots thing finally put their berets in enough of a twist to join in the “war on terror”fun.

Note: If you’re seeing only this post, the entire blog can be accessed at DougPowers.com

The Incorrectness of Trampolines

The Incorrectness of Trampolines

Bouncing in the backyard has long been a favorite pastime for Queensland children but new research shows that trampolining is one of the most dangerous activities for those aged six and under. In Queensland, about 1500 children visit hospital emergency departments with trampoline-related injuries each year, most with a broken bone from falling off the equipment. The Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit found that 93 per cent of trampoline accidents happened at home and 20 per cent were admitted to hospital.

Christopher Mobbs, an emergency medicine specialist at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital and co-author of the study, said that of trampoline injuries in children aged under 15, 48 per cent were in children under six. “The big outcome from this study is that children under the age of six are the most commonly injured and that was nearly half of all injuries we saw in that age group in this study,” Dr Mobbs said. “Children under the age of six shouldn’t be allowed to use trampolines because of the increased risk of injury to that age group.” The study was done on children presenting at Sydney Children’s Hospital in 2004 and last year, during which time 152 trampoline injuries were recorded.

Olympic trampoline silver medalist Ji Wallace, from Logan south of Brisbane, admitted it was just luck that prevented him being injured when he used to play on the family trampoline when he was a child. He said parents needed to be more aware of the seriousness of trampoline injuries and be in the back yard when children were using the trampoline. “It’s just like a swimming pool – you don’t throw the kids in the pool and say, ‘there you go, see you later’,” Mr Wallace said.

Dr. Mobbs said one of the major recommendations to come out of the study was the need for proper and constant adult supervision for children old enough to safely use a trampoline…

National Trampoline Sports Management chairman Chuck Smith said there were many benefits to trampolining, including aerobic exercise and learning acrobatic skills. “Children learn how to move, how to control themselves in the air and they learn how to have fun doing what they can’t do on the ground – it’s a bit like being weightless or being in space,” Mr Smith said.


The Bicameral Universe: A Theory of Everything in One Blog Post

O Lord Lead me from the unreal to the real.

Lead me from the darkness to light.

Lead me from death to immortality.

May there be peace, peace, and perfect peace.

– Brihadaranyaka Upanishads (1.3.28)

Fair Notice: The following article is an expression of opinion. I assert no “truths” other than those I believe are commonly accepted by the scientific or (responsible) religious communities. I make no claim of scientific expertise. I claim only to have an educated layman’s knowledge of the widely recognized theories cited below. In the event I have made any (or many) errors in technical expression, this author and publication will always be receptive to expert – if well intended – criticism and correction.

This article will review a set of well-known concepts in theoretical Cosmology. Its purpose is to offer a possible solution to the apparent discontinuity between Professor Frank Tipler’s Omega Point Theory asserting the existence of Almighty God – G-d, Allah, Yahweh, Shiva, you-name-It – and the scientific evidence for cosmological inflation. I offer the Bicameral Universe Hypothesis to help explain this apparent contradiction.

In my Bicameral Universe model, the Big Bang is a single explosive event that propels massive ejecta in two equal but opposite directions in SpaceTime.

I propose that,

1. The Universe, taken as a whole and inclusive of all time and space, is subject to Quantum Analysis.

2. The Hubble Constant remains constant even for an area of space that is smaller than a Planck’s Length.

3. Hubble’s Constant is governed by the Anthropic Principle.

4. Observations that inflation accelerates over time and space is an outcome of the Anthropic Principle. (This is because analog observers can only function in a causal environment.)

5. The Heat Death is governed by the Uncertainty Principle. This is because, when indivisible particles become “infinitely” separated from each other (as they would in any imagined “Heat Death” scenario), they can be conceptualized as exising alone inside their own respective event horizons, “unobserved” by any former (or future) massive neighbors. Therefore Uncertainty applies in this case.

;What is a light cone?

Let’s say we have two indivisible subatomic particles A and B. The particles in question are the size of a Planck’s Length. At one particular moment in their respective histories as ejecta from the Big Bang, they were in close proximity with each other.

But, over time, cosmological inflation will eventually separate A from B by the full length of the Universe.

So, let’s fast-forward to about a googol years from now, and suppose that particles A and B are the last two contiguous particles left from what was formerly our universe. Inevitably, cosmological inflation will compel these two relative particles to pass outside of each other’s respective event horizon. Then – voila – Heat Death Accomplished.

Here’s the kicker: I am assuming that the expansion of the universe is unrelenting even at sizes smaller than a Planck’s Length!

Indeed, in that light, you might say that it is Inflation itself that prevents an object smaller than a Planck’s length from having both determinate position and velocity. (!)

So let’s go there: Particle A is now entirely within its own universe. It is speeding away from the edge of itself at a relative rate equivalent to Hubble’s Constant, but now there are no other objects against which the inflation of space can be measured. No other particle is within its future lightcone, and vice versa.

From the point of view of Particle B, Particle A is now traveling faster than the speed of light (and vice versa).

What happens next?

Particle A is alone, imploding at rate that is the precise inverse of natural inflation. This is because inflation – a concept based on the relative distance between two objects in contiguous space – can no longer be measured. Space is defined, after all, by the distance light is able to travel through the universe and still be seen. Any theoretical object outside of the universe is necessarily traveling faster than light relative to the observer.  If a single object is isolated in space, its isolation is measured by the distance that light radiating from the object can travel before passing outside the event horizon of the universe. In this way, Particle A can be said to imploding relative to the speed of light.

The bicameral universe concept requires a particular lynchpin: the unification of The Hubble Constant with a Planck’s Length.

You would be right to call out the apparent discontinuity in my layman’s mixing of the terms “Hubble Constant” (an astronomer’s term) and “Planck’s Length”(from the discipline of quantum mechanics and theoretical mathematics). But, please, hear me out. (If you have read David Deutsch’s The Fabric of Reality, you already have several legs up on anyone else reading this.)

Here’s wikipedia’s definition of The Hubble Limit:

The Hubble Limit is a concept in physical cosmology that is related to the Big Bang Theory. It refers to the limit where objects receding from the observer are receding at the speed of light. It is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble, who was the first to discover that objects on a galactic scale are moving away from us. In the aftermath of the Big Bang everything in the universe is flying apart, and due to the fact that the speed of light is constant further away objects appear to be receding at a faster velocity. Eventually an object will appear to have a velocity which is the speed of light, and an object at this point is known to be at the Hubble Limit.

Astronomers have noticed that, the farther away galaxies are from us, the faster they appear to be moving away from us. Objects move away from the observer at a predictable rate based on their physical proximity to that observer.

Most people think of, let’s say, a rock or a planet or a star when they think “object”. But so far as I know the Hubble Constant is true for ALL MASSIVE OBJECTS.

Stephen Hawking’s description of the Planck’s length is widely available in The Universe in a Nutshell. 176-178, 199.

Russian dolls within Russian dolls image, page 177:

Each doll represents a theoretical understanding of nature down to a certain length scale. Each contains a smaller doll that corresponds to a theory that describes nature on shorter scales. But there exists a smallest fundamental length in physics, the Planck length, a scale at which nature may be described by M-theory.

Wikipedia’s entry on Planck’s Constant is considerably more oblique. But the short of it is, a Planck’s length is a unit of measurement beyond which the Eternal Laws of Nature say no precise measurement can be made.

In this sense, a Planck’s length represents a physical barrier in SpaceTime.

The only other physical barrier that is comparable to this phenomenon is – a Black Hole.

No information in, no information out.

The Uncertainty Principle applies for both the Black Hole and the Planck’s length.

It is impossible to describe particles that are smaller than a Planck’s length because we cannot ‘see’ them or otherwise ‘interact’ with such particles. If the space inside a Planck’s length is subject to cosmic inflation, it follows that each area of observable space in my environment smaller than a Planck’s length contains at least one Micro-Black Hole (MBH).

That’s it: blackholes all around. Ash heaps of blackholes: that’s what universes are made of.

Inflation and Contraction Are Anthropic Constructions

In the Bicameral Universe model, the Big Bang is a single explosive event that propels massive ejecta in two equal but opposite directions in SpaceTime. (The rate of ejecta spewing from the Big Bang must be in excess of the escape velocity required to cross the event horizon between the massive Bicameral Pairs.)

Later on, inhabitants of this ejecta (like us), might lay peacefully in a warm field beneath a moonless night sky and study the heavens and ponder what on earth is going on?

Well, it’s like this: You, the Ejecta, looked up at the sky with your eyes and your telescopes and all your other complex information gathering devices, and you figured out that the universe was expanding and would seem to expand forever.

But what you didn’t know, my dear Ejecta, is that you have an equal and opposite counterpart who lives in potential in the other chamber of our Bicameral Universe. Your observation that time moves forward is actually a construct – or perhaps an emergent process – based on the uneven distribution of mass between the two chambers. (The chamber in which you find yourself is always inflating, while the imaginary opposing chamber is always deflating.) Consciousness itself is thus an outcome of your mind’s “uncertainty” over which side of the Bicamera it is occupying/observing at any one time.

Thus the very definition of “inflation” is dependent on an analog observation of Particle A’s velocity and trajectory relative to that of Particle B.

In that sense, “Inflation” requires an analog observer as much as the analog observer requires Inflation. Therefore, the Anthropic Principle applies.

Here, take a gander:

Each of the two opposing universes are represented by the cones in the above graphic. Each cone is a 3-dimensional rendering of 4-dimensional SpaceTime. In this grid, SpaceTime moves in two equal but opposite directions: Time begins at the Big Bang for both universes, while each suffers its own unique Heat Death

The Originating Point of the Big Bang is located at position 0,0. “North” is represented by the “+” pole and “South” by the “-” pole.

The Heat Death for each universe is defined by its respective maximum radius.

“North” represents the observed direction of inflation. In this model, we humans “live” in the “north” chamber of the figure 8, and this defines the range of our observable universe – which we interpret as inflating.

The “South” region of the model is strictly imaginary – but its existence is required by the Anthropic Principle, because without it, I am afraid, we poor humans would not even realize that we existed or – indeed – that we had conscious navigational choices to make as we sail the sometimes turbulent tributaries of the Multiverse.

We should think of the southern region of the model as an equal-but-opposite version of the northern region. It is almost a mirror-image.

The diagram above can be rendered symbolically as the Cup of the Holy Grail:

But the most important thing to grasp here is that the relative movement of mass-through-space in one chamber must be offset by an equal-and-opposite relative movement of mass-through-space in the opposite chamber (possibly through a dual-flow mechanism as illustrated in this Pentagonal Antiprism).

Human consciousness therefore is an emergent outcome of the staccato discontinuities between the side of the chamber that is inflating, and the side that is correspondingly deflating. (The passage of time that we perceive is an illusion populated by the end results of our past cumulative decisions.)

A more “concrete” explanation for the phenomenon we call the “Present” might be the following: two incredibly long but precisely balanced “trains” of causes (each carrying the entire mass of the universe), collide headlong into each other with such force that – while most of the mass involved is instantly annihilated, some of it is propelled outside the event horizon of either pair – making of itself a “third party observer” to its own simultaneous (but never the less sequential) “acts” of creation and annihilation. This would explain why the Present is Eternal, but can never be actively observed in the past tense or the future tense – an observer can only observe his own total annihilation in the present tense.

I submit that a disoriented observer (e.g., a newborn baby) experiences time as a totality without causes – it’s as though the paradoxical conflict between creation and destruction is solved by allowing both to exist forever and simultaneously (from the point of view of any observer). You might say this observer experiences an “eternity” of disassociated sensations, followed by a slow realization that causes (and choices) can allow this eternal observer to change the observable conditions of its environment – including the ultimate choice: to “turn off” the Eternal Observation.

I submit that the “Present” appears transitory because it is, in fact, living evidence of the event horizon predicted by MC2.

But MC2 remains constant even now – even here in the event horizon itself – and so light maintains its signature speed of C even from our vantage point, here in the “middle of the middle” where cosmic Inflation also predicts our location to be.

(I’m tempted here to quote Jack’s incredulous question from Nightmare Before Christmas: “.but what does it mean?“)

It means, I think, that the escape velocity for Time Travel is (probably) MC3.

But to get entirely out of the system (to the most Parsimonious rendition of it), you would need to cube that number again – giving you a grand total of 27 dimensions (or 26 + 1, where 1 = The Observer). Therefore, MC27 is the most humanly elemental explanation for the “state of things”.

From a theological standpoint, it seems to me that the Bicameral Universe model provides a solution to the age-old conflict in Catholicism regarding the “trinitarian” nature of God.

The Bicameral Universe model is obviously a BINARY system – as predicted by Professor Tipler’s Omega Point Theory. And also in line with Tipler, it describes the Trinitarian Nature of existence.

Tipler’s Trinitarian model explained Christ as the Body and Host of our existence, But the universe is not GOD – it is God’s creation. Trinitarianism is an Anthropic Construction. God Himself cannot be Trinitarian, because, with the Bicameral Universe model, God is a SINGULARITY that Observes 26 unique dimensions – 13 evenly matched pairs. Human beings appear adapted to an environment that uses only the first three dimensions. But this is only a small part of what God Observes.

I submit that God cannot be Trinitarian. Instead, A4=MC^3^3 is a more fair representation of how God might perceive our universe – from the outside looking in.

This is my summation:

1. TOE +

2. Origins of Human Consciousness +

3. Logical proof for the (Inevitable) Existence of God +

Here is my submission for a popular formula:


The 3-dimensional shape of this object is a double cone, which can be expressed algebraically as,

zˆ2/cˆ2 = (xˆ2 + yˆ2)/aˆ2

In my model, the double cone represents two 4-dimensional objects, where the axis between the apex and the vertex is Time. That is, “A” to the 4th power = MC cubed, cubed .where “A” represents all possible World lines for our universe. “A” is true for all observers. The Cartesian grid assumes four unique “A” quadrants. Each “A” must be cast as a subset of the other three imaginary quadrants – but (paradox alert!) any observer present in “A” universe must assume it exists in the only “A” universe. The only way out of the paradox is to assume that each quadrant contributes a single power. Thus “A” observed as a totality appears as A to the 4th power.

The author is a layman with no expertise in any of the professional fields mentioned above. The foregoing is strictly personal opinion..

Copyright 2006-2010. All Rights Reserved.

New Jersey Gov’t Shutdown by Liberal Governor Seeking Tax Hikes

by Jim Kouri, CPP

New Jersey’s pride and joy of a governor, Jon Corzine, told Jerseyites on Saturday that he decided to shutdown all but the most critical agencies of state government. He also laid-off about 46,000 workers after failing to get the legislature to approve a sales tax hike before a budget deadline expired on June 30. About 30,000 state employees will continue working, but without pay.

That’s right, one of the richest politicians in the US is sending people to the unemployment line because he wasn’t being allowed to raise taxes on a state that’s running neck and neck with Louisiana when it comes to systemic corruption.

While past Jersey governors have had difficulty balancing their budgets and getting their state legislatures to agree on an annual budget, Corzine’s move is the first time New Jersey’s government has even been partly shutdown because a budget was not approved by the end of the fiscal year. The Democrat governor, who is negotiating his first budget, used his emergency powers under the Disaster Control Act to send all nonessential state workers home.

Had a Republican used a disaster act to shutdown government for tax purposes, the New York Times and other news media would be squawking about an expansion of power, since the Disaster Control Act is meant for – well – disasters. It wasn’t meant for a liberal governor to throw a snit because he’s being prevented from raising taxes.

In addition, during the busy 4th of July holiday weekend, Atlantic City’s casinos may face being closed down since Mr. Tax Hiker deemed the state employees who are required to oversee them to be “nonessential workers.”

The state lottery will cease selling tickets and racetracks are expected to close although they might follow the lead of the casinos and ask a court for a stay that would allow them to remain open, according to Kathleen Crotty, the executive director of the Democrat-led Senate.

Complaining that the state senate budget talks had dragged on for 102 days, Corzine, a former US senator, said in statement: “We have taken every reasonable and responsible measure to ensure that this day wouldn’t come.” As a Corzine observer, I’ve noticed that when bearing bad tidings, he uses the pronoun “we;” when bearing glad tidings, his favorite pronoun becomes “I.”

State Treasurer Bradley Abelow on Friday appeared before the Democrat-led Assembly (there are no conservatives in New Jersey’s government), and said that Jersey was one of only a few states that has not to improved its finances. He chided the prior Democrat governors for relying on “fiscal gimmicks.” That governor stepped down when it was discovered he installed his “boyfriend” as the state’s director of homeland security.

Although the US economy has been growing for four years.New Jersey has a $4.5 billion budget gap.

Corzine, upon taking office in January 2005, began to break his promises (surprise) one at a time. He sold himself to the voters as a fiscal conservative and promised taxpayers lower taxes and business incentives to bring higher-paying jobs into New Jersey. In fact, when it came to taxes and spending, Corzine ran to the right of Republican Doug Forrester.

Following the lead of Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), who promised upstate New Yorkers 200,000 new jobs without delivering, Corzine promised – but has been unable – to attract businesses to leave New York and other states and setup shop in The Garden State, bringing with them jobs and prosperity to the state. What company owners are going to take a chance on someone who’s always talking about raising taxes?

In the midst of high gas prices, Corzine floated the idea of raising the state’s gas tax which is already one of the highest in the nation. He decided against it when his staff reminded him of another liberal governor – Jim “Flim-Flam” Florio – who immediately raised taxes when he took office, and four years later voters sent him packing by electing a liberal Republican, Christine Todd Whitman.

A grass-roots anti-tax group – Stop the Taxman – has already targeted Corzine after they learned that he had proposed a staggering $1.5 billion increase in direct taxes and another $300 million in what he termed revenue enhancements.

In a press release, they wrote:

“[Gov. Corzine’s] plan to impose higher taxes on almost everything is OUT OF CONTROL (from drinking water to health care, no matter what you do the Governor wants to tax you!). What’s even crazier is that the Governor also wants to INCREASE SPENDING by 9 percent at the same time he raises your taxes!

“The Governor’s math just doesn’t add up. For instance, he wants to generate millions in new tax dollars by raising cigarette taxes, but the last three tax hikes on cigarettes in New Jersey have all fallen short of expected revenues. If the Governor has his way, New Jersey residents will PAY MORE and will still be facing outrageous deficits.

“Voters were heartened when, during his campaign in 2005, Corzine stressed, ‘I’m not considering raising taxes. It’s not on my agenda. We have a very high-rate tax structure. I’m not considering it.’ Voters elected him with a 239,280-vote margin over his Republican opponent Doug Forrester, and five months later (in March) Corzine added during his budget address that ‘tax increases are a last resort.’

“Thus, Garden State voters might have been a bit startled when Corzine proposed a massive $1.8 billion tax increase (including $1.5 billion in direct taxes and over $300 million in other revenue enhancements). New Jersey previously had the ignominious reputation of a tax-hiking state, but the new budget makes even the most die-hard revenue raisers blush.”

Why do people continue to be surprised when a liberal politician raises taxes? What should surprise many Americans is the fact that a majority of voters in New Jersey and other states still believe that a liberal Democrat won’t raise taxes even when they say they won’t raise taxes.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he’s a staff writer for the New Media Alliance (thenma.org). He’s former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed “Crack City” by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He’s also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He’s a news writer for TheConservativeVoice.Com. He’s also a columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, NewsCream.Com, MichNews.Com, and he’s syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. He’s appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com. Kouri’s own website is located at

Judicial Activism and Sunday Demagogues

by Jim Kouri, CPP

Sunday is always an interesting day for political discourse, especially on the tube. One after another, the usual suspects parade before the cameras in their attempts to curry favor with the American people. The goal of the entire exercise is the expansion of their power – their own personal power and power of their respective political parties.

Sometimes, the hosts of the Sunday morning shows try to expose these demagogues, but more often than not they are part and parcel of the Sunday spin. After all, look who hosts these news shows: George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton aide; Tim Russert, a former Johnson aide; and Chris Matthews, a former Carter aide. Democrats all.

So they will book the Democrats, who are known as the most vicious and dishonest Bush-haters, and Republicans who sometimes sound more liberal than the Democrats.

In order to be fair and balanced, I’ve chosen two senators – Democrat Chuck Schumer and
Republican John McCain – who have chosen to look the other way while the justices on US Supreme Court grab more power for themselves.

Taking advantage of what he sees as a ripe opportunity to hurt the Commander-in-Chief and betray the American people, Sen. Charles Schumer is urging a review of every one of President Bush’s anti-terror programs. Schumer sees fit to ignore the language used in Thursday’s Supreme Court decision on military tribunals and attempts expand its meaning until it reaches the level of absurdity.

Instead of being outraged over the the left-wing judges of the Supreme Court grabbing more power for nine black-robed lawyers, Schumer looks at the decision as a repudiation of the President’s war on terror strategies and tactics.

Schumer, a New York Democrat and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called for the establishment of an “independent commission to scrutinize the president’s war on terror.” Of course, there is no such thing as “independent” in Washington.

“I am growing increasingly concerned about the Administration’s stubbornly unilateral approach to these types of issues,” Schumer wrote Sunday in a letter to US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. That lets Schumer out of being named to such a commission. He’s as partisan as they come.

“The Administration has not only largely ignored the Congress, but has also badly miscalculated how its efforts would be evaluated by the Supreme Court.” Schumer does have a point. Who would have guessed the US Supreme Court would arrive at Thursday’s decision?

Before Gonzales could read and respond to Schumer’s misleading letter, he also released the letter to the news media just in time for all the Sunday morning news shows and Sunday newspapers.

The Supreme Court had ruled 5-3 on Thursday that the president’s attempt to use a type of military trial violates US military law and the Geneva conventions that set international standards for dealing with people captured in armed conflicts.

The first part of the court’s decision calls for a simple retooling of the military tribunals. The SCOTUS did not say military tribunals are unconstitutional; it said it did not agree with the way the tribunals are setup. The New York Times and their cohorts in the news media appear to hallucinate whenever they read court decisions that impact upon the Bush Administration and/or the war on terrorism.

As for the part of the SCOTUS’ decision dealing with the application of the Geneva Conventions, this is the most outrageous abuse of power I’ve seen since Roe v. Wade. These left-wing justices used legalistic gymnastics to rationalize this distortion of the Conventions’ provisions. If anything, terrorists are the antithesis of what’s described as prisoners-of-war in the Geneva Conventions.

In the world of Senator Schumer, the SCOTUS is correct in their convoluted – bordering on psychotic – interpretation of the Conventions. In other words, these five left-wing lawyers on the nation’s highest court chose to ignore the provisions of the Geneva Conventions while telling the US military – including the Commander-in-Chief – that they must adhere to those very same provisions. The court didn’t adhere to them in order to tell the government to adhere to them. Calling it psychotic is being kind.

Then we have Senator “Amnesty” John McCain. “The president has said he’d like to see Guantanamo shut down, but it’s not Guantanamo itself, it’s the status of these detainees,” McCain, an Arizona Republican, told ABC’s “This Week” host George “Clintonista” Stephanopoulos.

“If we use the Supreme Court decision correctly, we will move forward and adjudicate these cases,” he said.

Until last week’s ruling, “the system has not been moving.” Congress plans to hold hearings to craft legislation that addresses the court’s ruling that tribunals weren’t explicitly authorized by Congress and didn’t protect the rights of the accused, McCain claimed.

McCain is the man responsible for defining torture as making a detainee stand in the corner of an interrogation room for hours. In fact, he gave the media the best soundbites to use as ammunition against the hated Commander-in-Chief. Suddenly, placing women’s panties on the heads of prisoners is akin to bamboo shoots under their fingernails.

McCain’s take on Thursday’s SCOTUS ruling is that we should close down Gitmo by ajudicating over 400 cases. No where in the already misinterpreted decision did the five left-wing justices even allude to the idea of closing Gitmo, nor did they put a time limit or deadline in their decision.

Releasing 450 detainees is ridiculous. Trying them in US courts is even more ridiculous. According to the US military, of the detainees previously released from Gitmo, 15 have been killed or captured waging war against the US and its allies. And those are the ones we know about.

It’s troubling to hear Democrats and Republicans such as Schumer and McCain, who are more concerned with protecting the rights of terrorists and thugs than with protecting Americans. When two American soldiers were tortured and brutally murdered in Iraq, I don’t recall seeing McCain and Schumer rushing to the TV cameras to denounce the terrorists noncompliance with the Geneva Conventions.

As far as danger to Americans, the most dangerous place on earth is standing between Sen. Schumer and a TV camera.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he’s a staff writer for the New Media Alliance (thenma.org). He’s former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed “Crack City” by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He’s also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He’s a news writer for TheConservativeVoice.Com. He’s also a columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, NewsCream.Com, MichNews.Com, and he’s syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. He’s appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com. Kouri’s own website is located at

Another Clinton Fantasy


Post lifted from Taranto. For previous fantasies, see here

CNN reports on a speech by New York’s junior senator:

Appearing before a religious conference earlier this week, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-New York) told the audience that as a child attending Sunday school she would baby-sit the children of migrant workers so that their older siblings could join their parents at work. “I was fortunate that at an early age, through my church, I was given the opportunity to expand my horizons,” Clinton told the 600 adults and teenagers attending the Sojourners “Covenant for a New America” conference.

Mrs. Clinton grew up in Park Ridge, Ill., a tony Chicago suburb that as of 2000, according to census data, was 95.4% white, had a median family income of $87,795, and had a grand total of 174 families (1.7%) below the poverty level. How many migrant workers could there have been for her to baby-sit for?


Frank Ellis Bows Out: One of the most hotly debated free speech issues in Britain this year has been the Frank Ellis affair. Ellis is a senior academic at an English university who recently declared publicly his acceptance of the common scientific finding that, on average, blacks have lower IQs than whites. His university suspended him from teaching as a result – which violated academic freedom as well as free speech generally. But some settlement of the matter has now been reached. Richard Lynn advises by email that: “The university of Leeds has allowed Frank Ellis to take early retirement with a modest but adequate pension. He asks me to thank you all for support in the press that likely contributed to encouraging the university to settle.” I posted about the matter on March 13th.

Australian government slams Boeing: “Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has used the podium of the Pentagon to blast Boeing, accusing the giant defence contractor of letting the Australian Government down. Standing next to US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld yesterday, Dr Nelson criticised the aircraft-maker for the “significant delays” in the delivery of the new surveillance planes it is building for Australia. As first reported in The Australian this week, the $3.5billion Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control project is about 18 months behind schedule after problems with radar and sensor computer systems. [Fancy anybody believing that a defence contract will be delivered on time!]

Historic Conservative Welfare Reform Finally in Place: “Republicans swept into Washington in 1994 promising among other things to reform welfare. The nanny state under the Democrats was treating the symptom with no attempt at a cure. In 1996, Republicans switched the emphasis to the cure: work. Strangely (only to Democrats) 60% of the welfare recipients disappeared from the welfare rolls. On October 1, 2006, new welfare regulations will go into effect to further reduce those rolls by stopping the distortions the bureaucracy(loaded with Democrats) has invented to circumvent the work requirement. Bed rest, shopping, motivational reading and massage will no longer count toward a recipient’s work requirement. In many cases the recipient will actually have to show up for 30-hours of training/week in a specific skill in order to get their benefits.”

Ignorant politics block free trade: “Rich countries promised 4 1/2 years ago to make the global trade system fairer for poor countries, changing rules to help them reap the rewards of international commerce. Now the negotiations launched then are reaching a do-or-die stage, but prospects are bleak for a deal that would bestow much benefit on the poor…. Farm trade, though by no means the only issue, is the chief focus of the Doha round of trade talks, named for the Qatari capital, where they were launched in 2001. That is because agricultural goods, the mainstay of many poor countries’ economies, face steep tariffs and other obstacles in the markets of many rich countries. Another major grievance of developing nations is the billions of dollars in subsidies that farmers in rich countries receive from their governments. The payments encourage excess production of crops, which leads to gluts on world markets, depressing prices.”

A surprising racial difference: “Things add up differently for native English speakers, compared with people who learned Chinese as a first language. Simple arithmetic was easily done by both groups, but they used different parts of the brain, a new study shows. Researchers used brain imaging to see which parts of the brain were active while people did simple addition problems, such as 3 plus 4 equals 7. All participants were working with Arabic numerals, which are used in both cultures. Both groups engaged a portion of the brain called the inferior parietal cortex, which is involved in quantity representation and reading. But native English speakers also showed activity in a language processing area of the brain, while native Chinese speakers used a brain region involved in the processing of visual information, according to the report in Tuesday’s issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”

Appalling: “Beware of travel feature stories posing as invitations to terror. “The New York Times points cranks, radicals, al-Qaida operatives and would-be assassins to the summer homes of [V.P. Dick] Cheney and [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld” writes FrontPage Magazine’s David Horowitz, who sees the June 30 Times feature article as an apparent retaliation for administration “criticism of the Times’ disclosure of classified intelligence to America’s enemies.” In the “Escapes” section of the June 30 edition, the N.Y. Times printed huge color photos of the vacation residences of Cheney and Rumsfeld, “identifying the small Maryland town where they live, showing their front driveways and, in Rumsfeld’s case, actually pointing out the hidden security camera in case any hostile intruders should get careless,” Horowitz writes.”

Is Walmart Good for the American Working Class?: “The short answer is yes – it is largely the “working class” that benefit from Walmart’s low prices. A range of studies has found that Walmart’s prices are 8 percent to 39 percent below the prices of its competitors. The single most careful economic study, co-authored by the well-respected MIT economist Jerry Hausman, found that grocery sales by Walmart and other big-box stores made consumers better off to the tune of 25 percent of food consumption.. Together with a few sister “big box” stores (Target, Best Buy, and Home Depot), Walmart accounts for roughly 50% of America’s much vaunted productivity growth edge over Europe during the last decade. Fifty percent! Similar advances in wholesaling supply chains account for another 25%! The notion that Americans have gotten better at everything while other rich countries have stood still is thus wildly misleading. The US productivity miracle and the emergence of Walmart-style retailing are virtually synonymous”

In his latest lot of posts Chris Brand advises that he has now accepted a teaching job in Taiwan.


“All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State.” – 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel is the most influential philosopher of the Left – inspiring Karl Marx, the American “Progressives” of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin’s Communism. The very word “Nazi” is a German abbreviation for “National Socialist” (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Pages are here or here or here.

Big Apple Terrorism and The New York Times: The Movie

Here’s a well done short film concerning recent history surrounding both terrorism and media.Check it out.

Ann Coulter wrote in a column this week: “When is the New York Times going to get around to uncovering an al-Qaida secret program?”

As soon as there’s a direct threat to the breathing privileges of anybody from The New York Times, that’s when. But that probably won’t happen – why would al-Qaida want to take out an ally?

Marine ‘Used’ By Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11 Killed In Iraq

From the A.P.:

A U.S. Marine and one-time recruiter who appeared in Michael Moore’s acclaimed documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” has died in a roadside bombing in Iraq.

Although Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar willingly appeared in a segment of the 2004 film, his father, Raymond, said Tuesday that his son didn’t realize that it was for a movie critical of the war.

Plouhar’s father closed with something that Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan need to read:

“We need to resolve the war,” he said. “If we walk out now, my son died for nothing and that will make me mad.”

Those among us who use caskets of brave soldiersas leftist soapboxes should heed those words.

To use the deaths, as Sheehan, or lives and deaths, as Moore,of U.S. soldiers who enlisted, and reenlisted,willingly as an anti-war statement is to discredit their beliefs and judgment, not to mention their intellect.

Now anotherone of America’s finest has died so Michael Moore and company can be free – freetocontinue to insult their intelligence, both overtly and covertly.

“Support the troops” my ass.

Note: If you’re seeing only this post, the entire blog can be accessed at DougPowers.com

The Deep Irrationality of the Left

The Deep Irrationality of the Left

The lack of interest in rational argument that pervades the Left is one of the most striking things about them. As Jeff Jacoby points out, even such senior Leftist figures as Ted Kennedy seem to think that a constant spew of hate-speech suffices as an argument. And, as Jeff Jacoby also points out, the hate speech usually has no rational basis either. If I were to refer to Ted Kennedy as “The fat man from Chappaquiddick”, that would be similar abuse to what the Left dish out but everything in such a description would have a factual basis. He IS fat and his conduct at Chappaquiddick IS notorious. But factual underpinning is usually too much to ask of Leftist abuse. Let me illustrate by giving a recent example of Leftist abuse and by then pointing out a few things about it. The following comment is from a review of an “antiwar” film of the Michael Moore genre:

“This film illustrates in crystal clear detail why the U.S. military needs to recruit very dumb, totally uneducated, and mostly southern cracker soldiers who are already racist bastards who have never left their hometowns and believe all the garbage they are taught in school about how we are the good guys, and everything we do is just and right. The Army can then brainwash them to treat other human beings in such a grotesque and inhuman manner. Anyone who had any previous education, intelligence or just plain decency, would never consent to treat people in the unbelievably harsh manner in which these prisoners, most of which were just swept up in raids and had nothing to do with the Taliban, were treated.

I would normally not waste any time on such a spew of hate but for once I will make a few notes. Note for a start that the derogatory term “cracker” implies that the soldiers are white. He skates over the fact that a large part of the U.S. army is comprised of minorities. And would he refer contemptuously to black soldiers as “niggers”. Hopefully not. But why is it OK to use a term of contempt for white soldiers? And Southerners are “racist bastards”? I guess they may have been in North/South war days but even Abraham Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa so was he a racist too? Or were racial views simply universal at that time? And what of today? I constantly hear that black/white relations are in fact more cordial in the South than they are in the North. Has our Leftist ever looked into that possibility? He offers no basis for his assertion at all.

And the idea that the army recruits dumb and totally uneducated soldiers is simply and demonstrably false. Our Leftist author can have no basis for that careless assertion. As a former army psychologist, I can vouch for the fact that no modern Western army does that. Dumb and totally uneducated would-be soldiers are simply knocked back. No modern Western army wants them. The army does careful psychological assessment of each volunteer, using psychological tests, biography etc., to ensure that all recruits measure up in terms of education, intelligence and emotional stability. Putting deadly weapons into the hands of anyone other than that would make him more of a danger to his buddies than to the enemy.

And as for the idea that the army wants its men to treat anybody in a “grotesque and inhuman manner”, has our Leftist ever heard of publicity? The army comes under sustained attack on the home front if ever its men lapse from the most ideal behaviour so to say that the army wants brutal behaviour of its men is not to credit them even with pursuit of their own self-interest.

And the idea that preventive detention of terrorists captured in the field would not be consented to by anyone with education or intelligence is again counterfactual. The officer corps is even more highly educated and intelligent than the foot soldier. To get into officer school, you have to be a very high quality person on almost any criterion and officers graduate with at least the equivalent of a university degree. And it is the officer corps that runs the prisons.

So even disregarding the hatred and abuse in the extract above, there is nothing in it that even resembles the truth. That the author is contorted by hate is all that one can reliably conclude from it.


Sowell on Leftist indifference to the facts: “Despite the warm glow of self-satisfaction that the liberal vision confers on liberals, ugly facts keep intruding to undermine that vision.. Research dealing with innate biological differences are of course anathema to those with the liberal-left vision. Even research that turns up cultural or other behavioral differences between groups is almost as great a danger. Both kinds of research undermine the notion that there are “solutions” that government can impose to eliminate differences, gaps, disparities or “inequities” that liberalism claims to be able to eliminate. Scientific research into differences in the way male and female brains function is denounced by radical feminists, who are calling for a ban on such research. No matter what the MRIs say, the radical feminists say all differences are due to “society.” . That the black family, which survived centuries of slavery and generations of discrimination, has disintegrated in the wake of the liberal welfare state is only one example. Liberals have been driven to the desperate expedient of attributing this and other social pathology in today’s ghettos to “a legacy of slavery” – even though black children grew up with two parents more often under slavery than today. Blacks only a generation or two out of slavery also had higher rates of employment and lower rates of crime than today.”

The British are whitewashing Che Guevara. London’s famous Victoria and Albert museum is having an exhibition about him which describes him as “young, handsome, charismatic”. No mention that he was a murderous totalitarian thug. (HT Astute Blogger).

French wine junked: “The unquenchable desire of Britons for New World wines has forced Brussels to order nearly a billion bottles of French and Italian wine to be turned into fuel and disinfectant. The European Commission will then spend 2.4 billion euros digging up vineyards across the continent. The drastic measures to drain Europe’s swelling wine lake come as winemakers across the Continent face a seemingly unstoppable invasion of cheaper and more consistent wines from Australia, Chile, the US and South Africa. Wine critics say it is an inevitable result of French wine producers not adapting to demand”.

NYC Squandered Billions in 9/11 Aid: “New York politicians allowed up to one-third of the $20 billion in federal aid awarded to the city in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to be squandered right under their noses, an analysis by the New York Daily News found last December. But that hasn’t stopped some of the same politicians from complaining all weekend about a mere $80 million cut in New York City’s federal anti-terrorism budget. Senators Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer and Rep. Peter King say they’re outraged over the new cuts, with Clinton and King teaming up to launch a post-card writing campaign against the Department of Homeland Security. The bipartisan duo sounded a lot less angry six months ago, when the News uncovered evidence that billions in 9/11 cash had been misspent, gone unaccounted for and, in at least one case, was awarded to the Mafia.”


“All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State.” – 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel is the most influential philosopher of the Left – inspiring Karl Marx, the American “Progressives” of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin’s Communism. The very word “Nazi” is a German abbreviation for “National Socialist” (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Pages are here or here or here.

Illegals love Mexico and Che

Illegals Love Mexico and Che

The 62 senators who voted “yea” on last week’s immigration bill apparently missed all the May Day marches. Either that, or these Senators were blind to the marchers’ symbols and deaf to the marchers’ chants. Describing our legislative magnificoes as “out of touch,” misses it.

The mainstream media showed us something akin to a 4th of July picnic by Okies from Muskogee. Bloggers from Babalu to Michelle Malkin didn’t let them get away with it. They pulled a quick end-run around the mainstream juggernaut and showed us what was really going on. Thus we saw the Mexican tricolor flapping everywhere. Thus we saw Ernesto “Che”Guevara scowling from countless banners, t- shirts and placards. He appeared as the movement’s spiritual leader. Fine, let’s take the symbols one at a time.

Apparently, given all those flags, the marchers looked longingly on the Mexican government. Fine, perhaps ours should emulate it, especially its policies towards immigrants. Amnesty, ladies and gentlemen of the Senate? Instead take a cue from the government represented by that ubiquitous tri- color and indict every one of these marchers as felons.

Troops to our borders, eminent legislators? Instead send our troops to hunt the marching felons down, pistol-whip them, and rob them. Any women amongst them would get fondled or raped for good measure. THEN our troops would cart these people to the border and dump them back in their home country. The more fortunate ones would be simply fleeced and dumped in jails for weeks or months– NOT released pending a hearing as in the U.S.

After all, this is Mexico’s own policy on illegal immigrants. Ask the thousands of Guatemalans who– nursing their hickeys and fumbling through their empty pockets–recount getting robbed, pistol-whipped and raped by Mexican authorities as they tried to make their way through the country. And that’s the lucky ones–the ones who weren’t shot.

“At night, you hear the gunshots,” Mexican national Virginia Sanchez was quoted in a recent AP story, “and it’s the judiciales (Mexican state police) chasing the migrants.”

“If you’re carrying any money, they take it from you,” Said Guatemalan migrant Carlos Lopez in the same story, “federal, state, local police, all of them.” Lopez had been shaken down repeatedly in 15 days of traveling through Mexico. “The extortion occurs at every stop in Mexico, until migrants are left penniless and begging for food.”

“If you’re on a bus, they pull you off and search your pockets and if you have any money,” added El Salvadoran migrant, Jose Ramos. “they keep it all and say, ‘Get out of here!”

Not that the Mexican constitution mandates raping, robbery, pistol-whipping and target practice on migrants. But it does brand every illegal entrant through it’s borders as a felon, period. And anyone who expects a Mexican police official to be hauled up for pistol-whipping a migrant (as officers Powell and Koon were hauled up for pummeling Rodney King) probably also believes Cuba has free and exquisite healthcare.

The Mexican constitution also forbids non-citizens from engaging in politics in any manner whatsoever. This applies especially to outrages like marches and demonstrations. Columnist Allan Wall, who resides in Mexico, reports that in May of 2002, eighteen Americans–though holding perfectly legal Mexican visas– were unceremoniously booted out of Mexico. “And stay out!” yelled the Mexican immigration authorities while shaking their fists.

The Americans’ crime? Why the arrogant Gringo scoundrels participated in a May Day March in Mexico City! The demonstration was held on May 1st. Mexican immigration police–the very ones represented by all those flags proudly waving last May Day on American soil–rounded up and booted out the offending Americans on May 2nd.

Just last week Mexico booted out 57 desperate Cuban refugees who had landed on Yucatan shores in February (that’s Cubans clamoring to enter Mexico! More damning proof of the pesthole Castro and Che made of Cuba would be impossible to imagine.) As reported by Cubanet, one of these refugees, Amaury Hernandez, related an interesting datum (clandestinely) by phone:

“The Mexican authorities told us that if we each paid $500, they’d hold us for 90 days then set us free.” Mr Hernandez reported.

Instead, after 90 days they were shipped back to Cuba. More ominously, back in Cuba Mr Hernandez’ wife had gotten an impromptu visit by Castro’s secret police shortly after Amaury’s group made Mexican landfall. “Tell your husband,” snickered the Castro goon, “that we’ll soon have him in our hands.”

The chumminess between Mexico’s “public servants” and Castro’s regime is an old story. In the early months of Castro’s rule, Cubans who fled into the Mexican embassy (for their very lives, Che’s firing squads awaited them outside) were extorted shamelessly by Mexican diplomats. Many of these gentlemen became wealthy from the racket.

Then in March of 2002 twenty one desperate Cubans sought refuge in Havana’s Mexican embassy. (Please folks, when you read all these accounts of Cubans fleeing Cuba, please keep constantly in mind that prior to Castro, Cuba enjoyed net immigration.) At any rate, by 2002, after 43 years of liberation from rapacious capitalists, the starving Cubans were bereft of any possible booty to extort. So Mexico’s Foreign Secretary of the time, Jorge Castaneda, promptly summoned Castro’s police to storm into his embassy and drag out the terrified Cubans.

Castaneda, also famous as a Che Guevara Biographer and ex-Mexican Communist party member, claimed (with a straight face) that none of these Cubans had asked for political asylum. Not to be outdone by any of his Che-shirt-wearing and Mexican-flag-waving compatriots marching on May Day, Mr Castaneda penned an article for the New York Times on May 6th titled “Good Neighbor Policy.” Here, the Mexican ex-diplomat who teamed up with Castro’s STASI and KGB- trained police to drag out Cuban refugees from his embassy in chokeholds, took it upon himself (and was granted a platform by America’s “Newspaper of Record”) to lecture the U.S. on diplomatic morals.

Castaneda proposed a full amnesty for Mexico’s interlopers in the U.S. This being the only policy– admonishes the former Stalinist– befitting a “Good Neighbor” worthy of the name.

Let’s turn to that other favored symbol of the May Day marchers, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, also the subject of a Jorge Castaneda hagiography. First off, Che didn’t think much of Mexicans. Perhaps our Senators should stifle all the pious gurgling about “hard-working migrants seeking to better their lives” blah..blah and simply quote Che himself while referring to the nationality mostly waving those Che placards and banners as: “a band of illiterate Indians.”.

In 1956 while residing in Mexico and training with the Castro brothers for their “invasion” of Cuba , Che Guevara sneered at his hosts in those exact words. So recalls one of his military trainers, the Cuban, Miguel Sanchez. Wonder if “Chicano activists” know this? Probably not. They were too busy waving Che banners at the marches.

Che also delighted in belittling blacks. “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving,” that’s Che himself in his celebrated Motorcycle Diaries. Can’t imagine how Robert Redford left that out of his charming movie.

Sanchez recalls how Che constantly tormented the black Cuban rebel, Juan Almedia. “Almedia would get furious!” says Sanchez. “So finally I told him: look Juan, if Che keeps calling you “el negrito,” turn around and call him “El Chancho” (“The Pig;” among the bourgeois debauchments most disdained by Ernesto Guevara were baths.) Sanchez reveals all this in the fascinating documentary “Che; Anatomia de un Mito.”

Wonder if Jesse Jackson knows this? Probably not. he was too busy bellowing “VIVA CHE!” while in Havana in 1984.

Never lacking in a sadistic sense of humor, a few years back Castro appointed Juan “el negrito” Almedia as the head of Cuba’s “Commission to Perpetuate the Memory of Commander Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara.” This commission offers dedicated assistance to all visiting and “scholarly” Che Biographers. Yet somehow, none of the resulting Che biographies (Castaneda’s in particular) seem to perpetuate any memory of Che’s insults to Juan Almeida.

In his diaries Che also referred to Bolivian villagers as “animalitos” (little animals.) Wonder if Evo Morales has read them? Probably not. He’s too busy ribbon-cutting Che monuments in every Bolivian village.

Funnier still, the last immigrant march involved Che-shirt wearing migrants playing hookie from work. Fine, let’s look at their idol’s view on the matter.

When Che became Cuba’s Minister of Industries in 1961 (and promptly wrecked Cuba’s Industries) , among the most serious “crimes against revolutionary morals” was “laziness.” “In a collectivist society, where man works for society,” Che explained in Cuba’s official newspaper Revolucion, “loafing must be considered a crime, just like robbery! Our struggle against loafers, absenteeism and parasitism has reached tremendous proportions!”

As evidenced by the tens of thousands crammed into Cuba’s prison camps at the time. Che himself christened the first and most notorious of them at Guanacahibes, Cuba’s version of Siberia, but featuring broiling heat rather than cold. These camps were crammed to suffocation when Che discovered that – hold on to your Che-shirts Carlos Santana and Johnny Depp! Hold on to your Che beret Madonna!– people prefer working for wages rather than for free!

“Che is not only an intellectual–but the most complete human being of our time!” hailed a smitten Jean Paul Sartre in 1961. Yet Che’s towering intellect was completely confounded by this astounding revelation. Alas, his “new man” was going to take a little doing. The result was hundreds of thousands of Cubans crammed into concentration camps and an economy formerly stronger than half of Europe’s nations’, crumpled into a smoldering ash heap.

Wonder if the AFL-CIO knows this? Probably not. They were too busy erecting Che billboards during May Day.

The Soviets ended up pumping the equivalent of 8 Marshall Plans into Cuba. One $9 billion Marshall Plan sent by the U.S. to a war-ravaged continent of 300 million, promptly lifted it. Eight of these, sent by the Soviets to a nation of 6.5 million who’s citizens formerly earned more than Taiwan’s, Japan’s and Spain’s, resulted in Cuba’s living standard repelling Haitians even 40 years later. This defies–not just the laws of economics–but the laws of physics. Maybe Jack Nicholson’s right? Maybe Castro’s some kind of “genius” after all?

In the mid 1930′s Stalin issued a decree “against individuals who refuse to participate in collective effort and leading an antisocial and parasitic life.” (i.e. people who resist slavery.) Siberia’s GULAG was soon flooded with victims. Che must have taken note. He emulated the procedure perfectly and the barbed wire, machine gun towers and guard dogs at Guanacahibes took care of the resulting flood of Cuban “individualists” and “antisocial miscreants,” as their criminal charges read.

“Individualism must disappear!” thundered this idol of “do-your-own-thing” Bohemians in a 1961 speech in Havana. Interestingly, the cheeky Ernesto Guevara’s signature on his early correspondence read: “Stalin II.”

Humberto Fontova is the author of Fidel: Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant, a Conservative Book Club “Main Selection.”


Over the past several days I’ve received a number of emails from people regarding the subject of my previous article (1), in which I advanced the idea of creating a ‘Conservative Convention’ in the coming year, for the purpose of sending a “wake-up call” to the leaders of the Republican party prior to the 2008 presidential election.

While I expected a more than a few people to respond to my idea, I never thought that so many of my readers would misinterpret the essence of my proposal, and I have only myself to blame for that. Indeed, I was far too vague in my initial presentation to reasonably expect that many of the folks who read it would truly understand what I had in mind when I wrote it.

Most of the people who responded to me about my piece seemed to think that I was chiefly concerned with creating a conservative third-party, since political conventions are traditionally held by formal parties, and their common aim is to nominate presidential candidates.

How I could have deluded myself into thinking that my proposal would be taken in some other way, generally, is a mystery to me. but then, lots of things are a mystery to me, so I’ve decided to cut myself a little slack and get on with the task of advancing the ball down the field, so to speak.

And so, without further ado, I submit to you the following clarifications and definitions.

The Goal Of The Conservative Convention

The goal of the proposed convention is to promote conservative ideas on a national level, put pressure on our government to stop ignoring the will of America’s conservative majority, and provide right-wingers with a launch-pad for taking back the Republican party from the “moderate” elements that are currently eating away at its very core.

It is NOT the goal of the event to form a new political party, nor should it be to attack any particular Republican lawmaker, although fair criticism of certain policies embraced by the Republican party’s leadership would certainly not be discouraged.

The Delegates

Instead of each state choosing delegates by means of a primary or caucus system who would then be sent to the convention to support a particular candidate for president, each delegate of the conservative convention would support a bill proposal designed to provide our nation with a realistic conservative solution to one of the various challenges facing it, and those delegates would be chosen based upon the strength of their arguments and the soundness of their logic. Suffice it to say that the state from which each delegate hails would be irrelevant.

Each would-be delegate would submit a written proposal concerning a specific issue to the convention’s administrative panel (see definition below) and the two best proposals on each of the eight topics of consideration (see list of bill proposal topics below) would be selected for debate at the convention.

Every accepted pair of proposals would be debated between spokesmen for each side, and afterward they would be voted upon by the entire assemblage on the convention floor.

Once a proposal has been voted on and sanctioned by the majority of conventioneers, the administrative panel would be charged with submitting it in the form of a bill to Congress in the months that follow.

The Administrative Panel

The convention’s administrative panel would be composed of seven (seems like a good number to me) of the most well respected and experienced conservative political activists/speakers/writers we can find who would be willing to volunteer their time to this endeavor. While these men and women would, of course, be prohibited from submitting their own bill proposals for consideration by their fellow panelists, they would, however, be permitted to address the assemblage at some point prior to the floor votes, and promote up to three of the proposals accepted by the panel.

Bill Proposal Topics (tentative list)

Immigration & Border Security
Public Education
Social Security
Federal Tax Structure
U.S. Energy & Environmental Policy
Balanced Trade Agreements
Gun Control

Other Aspects Of The Itinerary

Aside from debating and voting on various bill proposals, I believe that a certain amount of time should be set aside at the convention to show support for America’s military troops overseas, and that any conventioneer who is currently serving in any branch of the service should be permitted to address the assemblage on any matter they choose.

In my previous article on this topic I listed several key issues to be considered at the convention. Among them were the following:

Judicial Activism And The Supreme Court
The Threat Of Terrorism And Nuclear Rogue Nations
The American Left’s Assault On Christianity
International Free Trade Agreements And America’s Manufacturing Base
The Plague Of Political Correctness
Harnessing Government Spending And Regulation
Overturning Roe V. Wade

Although they may not be among the subjects considered for formal bill proposals at the convention (since the number of subjects must be limited, due to time constraints) I believe that the above topics are of vital importance to conservatives across the United States, and should be addressed by as many prominent speakers as the event will draw.

Furthermore, like any convention, this one requires a keynote speaker, one who embodies the spirit of modern day American conservatism, and who is capable of generating considerable media coverage. Of the several possibilities I’ve considered thus far, the leading candidates for this important role are (at least in my mind) author/former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (2), author/social activist David Horowitz (3), author/former presidential candidate/former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes (4), author/legal correspondent Ann Coulter (5), and author/constitutional scholar/radio host Mark Levin (6). Of course, I welcome any suggestions that my readers might have on this matter.

As far as other speakers are concerned, I think it would be a good idea to have representatives from several right-wing activist groups such as the Christian Coalition, Citizens Against Government Waste, and the National Rifle Association address the convention on the topics of their respective specialities.

Location And Date

While no particular date has been chosen for the commencement of the convention, it has been suggested that a day in early autumn of 2007 would be a good time to hold it. As for the location, it is my considered opinion that a medium sized city in the mid-west like Kansas City, Missouri or Oklahoma City, Oklahoma should be considered, because such a place would afford people from both the west and east coasts relatively equal travel time to the event.

In closing, I want those of you reading this article to keep in mind that nothing written above is etched in stone, and that I encourage anyone who wishes to be involved in this project, at any level, to share their ideas with me. I’m sure there are a lot of red-staters out there with innovative minds who have opinions on the matter, so don’t hesitate to drop me a line at your earliest convenience at either thofab@adelphia.net or darcprynce@hotmail.com.

I thank you for your kind attention.

(1) https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/daley/060521
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horowitz
(6) https://www.answers.com/topic/mark-levin

By Edward L. Daley
Owner of the Daley Times-Post


They Threatened to Burn Her Children in Front of Her

The likes of Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Elaheh Rostami and Iran Action are desperately trying to portray the Islamic Republic of Iran as an acceptable form of government to the world. In their numerous meetings they tell their gullible audiences lies and half truths and try to excite their inherently anti-American audiences with the heroic fairy tales of anti-imperialist struggles by the Islamic state.

Then there are the likes of Shirin Ebadi, who talks about the horrors of the Islamic Republic to her Iranian audiences, who know these things too well, but when she gets the international stage opportunity, she chooses to talk about Palestine and Guantanamo.

Here is one Iranian lioness however, who risked it all to tell the world about the murder of Shwaneh Ghaderi. Read about what Dr. Roya Toloii suffered as a result and understand why Iranians like me feel so strongly about Islamic Republic apologists and their allies:

Dissident tells of assaults and threats against children during 66 days in jail run by Iran’s clerical regime – By Philip Sherwell in Washington

Senate Reveals Ugly Underside of the Nanny State, by Christopher G. Adamo

As the United States Senate continues relentlessly towards the goal of amnesty for illegal aliens, its political movers and shakers are illuminating the despicable realities behind the phony compassion of liberalism. In a stunning act of treachery against the American people, the Senate has set the stage to plunder America’s social security system and give the spoils to illegal immigrants.

According to populist presidential wannabe John McCain (R.-AZ), illegals deserve access to the social security funds because they paid taxes. Yet nobody seems to know how much they paid, what percentage of their paychecks was withheld by the government, or how much more they have cost American society than they may have paid into the system.

The lingering myth that social programs exist for the good of the people has just been shredded by the proposed Senate action. Such programs were never devised to assist those in need, but rather for the political empowerment of the individuals dispensing the benefits.

Although liberals in Congress wailed that President Bush’s proposal to privatize a tiny portion of Social Security would bankrupt the system, they are now perfectly willing to give away an enormously larger portion of those funds to the millions of illegals working in the dark fringes of the U.S. economy.

In truth, liberal abhorrence for the privatization plan never had anything to do with a possible lack of funds. Furthermore, every privatization proposal offered by the White House ensured that sufficient funds would be available for those who opted to remain within the present system.

Rather, what the liberals could not stomach was the possibility that, by maintaining ownership of those funds, Americans might forestall congressional access to them. Had such been the case, no opportunity would exist by which the Senate could misuse the monies in this misbegotten attempt to curry favor and loyalty of the illegal population.

Worse yet, the far greater returns historically reaped from private investment would mean that average citizens might gain greater independence from the government trough. Hence they would realize that they had little further need for the benevolence from liberals.

The popular perception has been that Social Security constituted the third rail of politics, alluding to the idea that even barely brushing against it would be tantamount to committing political suicide. So, in comparison, the Senate action ought to equate to grabbing hold of that third rail, while standing knee-deep in water.

The fact that such Senate pandering might bankrupt the system sooner than is presently expected, is apparently a yawner to the left. This is strange, especially when considered in comparison to the hysterics with which every mouthpiece of the nanny state responded to the President’s plan to bring fiscal sanity to the program through partial privatization. Yet this situation does not represent some incomprehensible dichotomy.

In truth, the present system is, by design, a scheme to maintain a mentality of dependence on government among America’s seniors. Decimating the funds from within will not change this all-important status quo. And, by incorporating the twelve million illegals into the system, America’s dependent (and thus compliant) class can be enlarged to a breathtaking degree.

Meanwhile, those gullible seniors who, on cue, expressed such vehement outrage at the possibility of privatization, and who insisted that all future generations of Americans be consigned to the same dismal system into which they have been sold, are relatively quiet as this theft of the funds is being perpetrated. Far from being mindful of how Social Security’s Ponzi scheme actually works, they are content to be demagogued by the nightly news and other liberal institutions who presume to do their thinking for them.

Thus far, the liberal media has said little if anything of comparative alarm over the Senate plan. And, not surprisingly, other liberal institutions such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), who have historically engaged in a charade of support for the cause of senior citizens, are instead conducting their typical, clandestine advocacy of liberalism.

Here again, their rationale, while seeming totally contradictory on the surface, becomes entirely consistent when one considers where their real concerns and sympathies lie.

Hardly true to the notion of bettering the lot for seniors the AARP understands that its own fortunes rely on the size of its membership rolls. And any horde of new dependents, regardless of the degree to which they constitute a drain on Americans, will nonetheless only increase those rolls.

Thus it should surprise no one that, far from seeking to secure the nation’s borders and ensure America’s security and stability as a haven for seniors, AARP has in fact supported pro-illegal organizations such as MALDEF, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, to which it has contributed thousands of dollars.

In this it shows itself to be virtually indistinguishable from every other liberal institution presumably dedicated to the plight of the downtrodden, but in reality only exploiting such people as a resource to further its acquisition of power.

Such outrageous betrayal of the American people by the compassionate members of the United States Senate (and virtually unopposed by the likes of the AARP) plainly illustrates the sinister mechanism fueling the massive growth of government in recent years. Furthermore, it could provide a backdrop against which President Bush might present his privatization plan with great success.

Unfortunately, having been absolutely on the wrong side of the illegal immigrant issue from almost his first day in office, the present situation provides the President with no such political leverage.

Thus Republicans once again cede the moral high ground, and in the process thoroughly undermine the conservative cause. And another golden opportunity to turn back the tide of liberalism is disgracefully squandered.

Liberty Letters Comment: Contact your US Senator and tell him you are outraged by their plan to turn over social security money to a class of lawbreakers. Contact the AARP and invite them to stick to defending seniors not liberal politics.

Cheerleading for Zarqawi at the New York Times

You’ve all seen the recently captured video of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as he clumsily fumbles with an M-249 machine gun and requires help from a cohort. The U.S. military gave his performance a resounding thumbs down, mostly in an attempt to ridicule him and downplay the idea that he’s some kind of superhuman Arab warrior. In other words, they were trying to damage the image of one of our biggest enemies. That’s what you do in a time of war, especially when presented with such a plum opportunity.

But not so fast, says the New York Times, which managed to dig up some military personnel who downplayed Zarqawi’s seeming incompetence. In an article entitled “Not All See Video Mockery of Zarqawi as Good Strategy,” the Times explained it this way:

“The weapon in question is complicated to master, and American soldiers and marines undergo many days of training to achieve the most basic competence with it. Moreover, the weapon in Mr. Zarqawi’s hands was an older variant which makes its malfunctioning unsurprising. The veterans said Mr. Zarqawi, who had spent his years as a terrorist surrounded by simpler weapons of Soviet design, could hardly have been expected to know how to handle it.”

Oh! Well, okay, then, if you put it like that. Gee whiz, sure, sorry about the misunderstanding, our mistake, what were we thinking? Wouldn’t want to impugn the reputation of a valiant terror warrior, the George Washington of Sunni extremism.

But getting back to the real world . . .

“Mr.” Zarqawi? By all means, give this mass murderer a title of respect. I guess if it was World War II, it would be “Mr.” Hitler in the New York Times. But the larger point is, why would anybody on our side of this conflict against terrorism (if indeed the Times is on our side) cut this guy any slack about anything?

Let’s say that the Times is correct in its assessment that Zarqawi couldn’t really be expected to be proficient with that particular weapon. So what? Would it inconvenience the Times too much to let the U.S. military have this relatively minor propaganda victory over a vicious and depraved terrorist whose aim is to keep killing innocent Iraqis until they give up on their aspirations to be free? Why would the Times go out of its way defend Zarqawi’s image?

The Old Gray Lady ain’t what she used to be and her motivations truly constitute a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma – and that’s putting it mildly.

Greg Strange provides conservative commentary with plenty of acerbic wit on the people, politics, events and absurdities of our time. See more at his website: https://greg-strange.com/

Strap-on Dildos Vs. Teenage Pregnancy

Many Americans are rightfully concerned by the high rate of teenage pregnancy in this country. Few of these pregnancies are planned and most are conceived out of wedlock. Many end in abortion, others in the trauma associated with having a baby and giving it up for adoption. Teenage moms who keep their babies often sink into poverty along with their young. The fathers of these babies are often teenagers themselves and even more frequently unable to adequately support their children or act as responsible dads to them.

Adolescent girls get pregnant. They have abortions and babies. They receive contraceptives. Depending on the law of the state, they may be able to terminate pregnancies or get birth control without a parent’s knowledge or permission. Both teenage boys and girls can buy condoms over the counter

However, adolescent girls and boys cannot legally go into an adult bookstore to purchase sex toys. A parent or guardian who supplies such items could be prosecuted for enticement or contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

This is outrageous. Sex toys can be an aid to chastity by making it possible for people to gratify their often strong, even overpowering, physical needs without a partner. Such products should be at least as available to minors as contraceptives.

There is one kind of sex toy that is designed for use with a partner and can play a major role in the fight against teenage pregnancy and that is the strap-on dildo with a clitoral stimulator. Not only should it be legal for minors to have strap-ons but furnishing them with these tools should become a standard part of beginning to date.

While it is best for adolescents to avoid any type of partnered sexual activity, the penetration of a male by a female wearing a strap-on dildo is far safer than the more usual sex acts. Transmitting sexually transmitted diseases generally requires skin-to-skin contact.

There are risks with the use of strap-ons but they are few compared to fellatio and minuscule compared to vaginal intercourse or unaided anal intercourse. (A small risk of disease transmission exists if a dildo is taken out of one anus and immediately inserted into that of another person. Other types of infections could be transferred if the dildo is inserted into a vagina after being in an anus or if it is not cleaned properly after use. Cleaning is a simple matter of soap and water as it is for all sex toys.)

Even in this era of general gender equality, it is still usually the boy who attempts to initiate sex and the girl who is expected to set limits if limits are in fact set; it is without exception the girl who gets pregnant. Thus, it makes sense to provide any sexually mature girl with a strap-on dildo.

A teen girl who possesses a strap-on may suggest to boys that they perform a sex act that is kinkier but far safer than the ones boys usually suggest to girls. Boys can be expected to differ greatly in their reactions to such suggestions. Some are certain to Just Say No. Others will enthusiastically answer, Yes! Many, perhaps most, will balk as the girl coaxes (sound familiar?). However, none will get pregnant. No abortions will be performed and no one will suffer through the ordeal of nine months of an unwanted pregnancy because of this practice. No children will be born doomed to inferior care by unprepared parents because a young lady made love with her beau in this manner.

Of course, a strap-on dildo could be inserted into a girl by a boy or into a girl by another girl or into a boy by a boy. While no sex toy should ever go from an anus to a vagina, these uses would also cause fewer problems than the more common sex acts among youths. However, the penetration of a boy by a girl ought to have a special appeal to those with old-fashioned values who want to see more young women enter matrimony with intact hymens.

Some readers may see this suggestion as man-hating and part of a what Christian Hoff Summers has designated a war on boys. To the contrary, it is pro-male. By reducing the numbers of young men who father children they are unable to support, we will help them avert jail when they come of age. Financial destitution is not necessarily a legal defense for the failure to pay child support so fathers with low incomes often end up behind bars. They can be raped in jail. A sexual assault while incarcerated may leave a man psychologically traumatized and infected with an STD, including life-threatening HIV. By contrast, if a young man’s anus is well lubricated and relaxed, a dildo’s pressure on his prostate may be exquisitely pleasurable and lead to an orgasm.

Nor should it be assumed that awarding a strap-on dildo to a girl de-feminizes her. If she should in fact use it with a boy who is a backdoor virgin, she must practice patience if she is to make the experience a good one for her partner as well as herself. Patience is a positive virtue in people of either sex and especially necessary for (eventual) motherhood (should she chose that role). Both sexes get to see, and feel, how the other half lives which could increase their empathy for the other gender and be a valuable preparation for heterosexual matrimony.

The strap-on dildo should be available to any teen girl because, regardless of whether it is utilized or not, it makes it less likely she will get pregnant. A girl may react to her date’s pass with a suggestion that is opposite yet similar. He might tell her he does not want to engage in that sort of sex because it could cause discomfort or trigger sexual identity anxieties. She can ask him to compare those problems with the suffering involved in undergoing an abortion or carrying an unplanned pregnancy to term. The analogy could lead to worthwhile introspection and, consequently, improved behavior on the part of teen boys and young men. Thus, the dildo would serve a worthwhile purpose even if it never gets inside a rectum.

Abstinence education, training in the social skills needed to resist unhealthy peer pressures, girls’ sports, and the availability of contraception are all important in the struggle against teenage pregnancy. It is time for the strap-on dildo to play its part in this cause.

Arab Psychology

Arab Psychology

Excerpt from The Autonomist:

Although I’m weak in anthropology, I did get an ‘A’ in biology years ago, and what I learned has given me insight into these strange organisms we call Middle Eastern Muslims. Every organism alive on the planet is good at something. Each has some sort of defense or capability or behavior that gave them an edge over other organisms of past eras and allowed them to evolve to overcome life’s challenges and survive to this day.

Rabbits are fast runners and fast breeders. Tigers are amazingly skilled hunting machines. Elephants are immensely tough and powerful. Monkeys are highly intelligent and adaptable. Frogs have poisonous skin. But Muslims, like the stick bug and the chameleon and the stone fish, have developed, to an amazing extent, the ability to deceive. And it is that ability that confounds their environmental competitors (you and me) the most.

These types of organisms – “lie-in-wait” predators – must know the full range of behaviors of the organisms they wish to defeat, so as to position themselves correctly for the strike. They are not necessarily strong or powerful, so they must know what frightens, arouses, lures, relaxes, and weakens that which they intend to destroy. For the Muslim, the idea is to exploit our greatest vulnerability – PC thinking.

It is no accident that the Muslims chose to openly start attacking the West on their own turf in the ’60s and ’70s, right around the time when PC ideology in our culture was starting to pick up steam and cloud our collective judgment. Would Muslims have attacked New York while U.S. Grant was president? Or London while King George III was on the throne? How about the Paris riots during Napoleon’s time? I don’t think so.

The Deceiver picked up on this latest dominant PC, therapeutic, Leftist strain in Western culture, and, patient and shrewd as he is, has successfully exploited it for the last few decades. The only time they seem to have paid any price was when the United States had good old-fashioned cowboys at the tiller – Bush I and Bush II. They continue to try and deceive by maintaining their false cries of victimhood, blustering lies, and ridiculous charades, for they have internalized and mastered what Sun Tsu’s considered the most valuable tactic in warfare:Deception.


Appalling British Conservative leader: “Laying himself bare to the men”s magazine GQ, David Cameron painted himself yesterday as an achingly trendy nappy-changing metrosexual who wins prizes for his vegetables and shares a hairdresser with Robbie Williams. But for the Tory Right, cringing as “Dave” declares his love of Shameless, a Channel 4 drama about an alcoholic father who abandons six children to live with another woman, there was one crumb of comfort. Asked which living politician he most admires, the Tory leader replied: “It”s got to be Margaret Thatcher.””

Saudis waking up: “Saudi officials refuse to accept that Wahhabism, the extreme form of Islam which has dominated the kingdom for 70 years, provides a theological justification for terrorism by preaching the absolute renunciation of all non-Muslims. None the less, in the past year, the government has barred a thousand clerics from teaching, in the first concerted move to foster a more tolerant brand of Islam. Moderate imams have been deployed to enter the chatrooms of radical jihadi websites and persuade extremists that their ideology is wrong, as part of a campaign called al-Sakinah (Tranquillity).”

Rare commonsense: “[Black] U.S. Housing Secretary Alphonso Jackson shed little light Monday on the future of public housing in hurricane-battered New Orleans, but said that ‘only the best residents’ of the former St. Thomas housing complex should be allowed into the new mixed-income development that replaced it, according to the information-restricted NOLA.com newslog. . ‘Some of the people shouldn’t return,’ Jackson said. ‘The (public housing) developments were gang-ridden by some of the most notorious gangs in this country. People hid and took care of those persons because they took care of them. Only the best residents should return. Those who paid rent on time, those who held a job and those who worked.’”

Bush should stop grandstanding, get serious on gas prices: “President Bush seems desperate to find someone to blame for continuing high demand for gasoline, which is the result of high economic growth and continuing supply problems. He should take credit for his policies that have contributed to strong economic growth and put the blame for high gas prices where it belongs. He should be traveling across the country blaming the obstructionist minority in Congress that continues to block legislation that would increase domestic energy production. And the president should be building public support for pro-energy, pro-consumer policies.”

Solzhenitsyn loses his marbles: “Nobel laureate and former Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn has accused the US and NATO of seeking to encircle Russia, and praised President Vladimir Putin for working to restore a strong state. In a rare interview, the reclusive 87-year-old author, who rose to prominence for his accounts of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s repression and labor camps, told the liberal weekly Moscow News that NATO’s ultimate aim was the loss of Russia’s sovereignty, according to a full text of the interview posted on the publication’s internet edition”.

Big upset for evolution timing research: “Variability in mitochondrial (mt)DNA is often used to infer population size, history, and diversity on the assumption that mtDNA is essentially evolutionary neutral. Bazin et al. compared a wide range of animal species for polymorphisms in allozymes, nuclear DNA, and mtDNA. Within-species allozyme and nuclear DNA variability correlated with expected species abundance and ecological variables, whereas essentially no difference was observed between a broad range of taxa in terms of mtDNA variability. Instead, mtDNA seem to have undergone recurrent fixation of beneficial mutations and loss of variability at linked loci. Thus, mtDNA is far from a neutral marker; its diversity is essentially unpredictable and may not reflect population history and demography.”

GM eat your heart out: “Mazda Motor Corp today said its full-year net profit soared almost 46 per cent to a fifth consecutive record high and predicted further growth ahead led by robust sales in overseas markets. Japan’s fifth largest car manufacturer, one-third owned by US giant Ford Motor, said net profit reached Y66.7 billion ($A773.24 million) in the 12 months to March. With sales rising in major markets in North America, Europe and China, Mazda forecast a sixth year of all-time high earnings. The Hiroshima-based company said operating profit jumped 48.8 per cent to Y123.4 billion ($A1.43 billion) on revenue which increased by 8.3 per cent to Y2.92 trillion ($A33.85 billion). Both operating and net income are all-time highs. Global vehicle shipments rose 4.0 per cent to 1.15 million units as sales of Mazda brands grew in China, Australia and the Middle East. Sales in China of Mazda brand vehicles jumped some 36 per cent from a year earlier to a record 130,000 units, giving it a 2.1 per cent share of the auto market there”.


“All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State.” – 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel is the most influential philosopher of the Left – inspiring Karl Marx, the American “Progressives” of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin’s Communism. The very word “Nazi” is a German abbreviation for “National Socialist” (Nationalsozialistisch)

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