First, some answers to some questions:

Kevin ponders: “Truth Saved Germany After 1945,″

and asks: “How real, how deep was denazification, really? Both internationally (case in point, the USA) and domestically?”

Answer: Germany is still denazifying. I follow German TV and I can tell you today’s Germans view the Nazis as monsters from another planet. Today’s Germans are completely French republicans, as far as Nazism is concerned.

It was not the case after the war. Thanks in great part to the influence of the USA reinvigorated by its campaign of annihilation of French ports, just because they could, countless Nazis escaped prosecution. Even more were put in leadership roles, from financial bankster Schacht, creatur of JP Morgan, genitor of Hitler, to top Nazi Marshall Von Manstein (who blocked denazification in the German army), to the industrialist Thyssen (author of the 1940 book “I paid Hitler”).

But then from trial to trial, and revelation to revelation, the truth has come out. The latest guy on trial, then a young accountant at Auschwitz, fully admits how terrible the Nazi system was and his role in it.

The Bush family was never asked to regurgitate the fortune it made from managing his arms industry for Hitler. This is tyoical of the absence of denazification of the USA.

(Whereas of course the heroic SNCF, the French Railways, which suffered hundreds of summarily executed resistance fighters, was required to pay reparations, by USA Jews, for having transported Jews under the gun.)

Kevin: “Is today’s “German mindset” that far removed from yesterday’s (case in point, Germany’s recent conduct in the EU)? The Nazi’s enablers are still here, untouched, unpunished, how can there be truth?”

Well the austerity thing is a very vast problem, which, as you hint, did not originate in Germany. (Actually in the 1930s France was austerian, whereas the USA, the UK and Germany, starting in 1933, were all very much into default, devaluation and massive liquidity creation!)

The Nazi enablers” were more based in New York-the USA than Berlin (this is one of my main theses). It is not just a question of Ford financing Hitler (1920), or of Schacht-JP Morgan (1923), or the Wall Street Morgenthau plan of 1928.

Kevin: “Hell, I’d even say that as WWII fades more and more into History, it becomes a mythology, if not a religion, a unction divine if you will (case in point, the system below, its drivers, its collaborators and its parasites). Where is the truth, where there is myth only?”

This is exactly why it is important to understand that Hitler was a plutocratically constructed phenomenon, in the general sense of the word “plutocracy”. And that much of Hitler’s power, and advice, came from the global plutocracy, based in the UK and the USA.

It is important to get the mythology right. It’s not obvious, as the Nazis themselves spread disingenuously the disinformation that they were against “plutocrats” (while feeding at their teat).

Kevin: “Patrice says: “What I reproach to Gandhi was to view the minor problem (getting the British exploitation of India to stop) to be major,”

What about [the free trade deals]? The “major” problem is not the above-mentioned Islam in this case, but the global (Anglo, it never can hurts to point out) exploitation system you rail against, which is triumphing overall (and thus exhausting itself, along with everything else).

There is no jumping out of the runaway train”

These global free trade treaties have caused massive unemployment in the industrial workers class in the USA, recent studies have shown. Even the Wall Street Journal (!) had an editorial about this, a few days ago, and said that had to be fixed.

This evidence was long denied by the economists paid by plutocrats in the last 35 years that plutocracy has reigned over the minds, in the West.

The question, thus is not so much about “Anglo” than about “Pluto”. For a long time, the average denizen of the UK and the USA profited from empire. But now it’s clearly not the case in Britain. And clearly, in the USA, the writing is on the wall: although fracking has been profitable for the average citizen of the USA, as the Greenhouse Crisis gathers pace, this is not going to be the case anymore. The anti-flooding (from sea level rise) plan of New York City cost (put in place by Mayor Blumberg) cost 20 billion dollars (when Antarctica starts to melt big time, stopping the sea will not be a possibility.

So how to fix a lot of things?

A carbon tax.

It should be applied, worldwide.

When? The Conference in Paris is the place to impose it. Although I do not think it is on the agenda. Instead complicated laws are supposed to be brought forward. That will not work.

A carbon tax will increase the availability of local work (as it taxes world transportation: ships emit lots of CO2). It is also absolutely necessary if one wants to be serious about decreasing CO2 emissions.

I will explain this next.

Patrice Ayme


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